Batia's Story

In 2002, after working in the United States as a Geriatric Physiotherapist, Batia married her husband Joe and moved to Australia. Since then she's been quite busy raising her beautiful family.

In 2019, she completed her Personal Training Certification III and IV and opened Kosher Fitness Personal Training in order to cater to the Orthodox Jewish women's community. In 2021, she also completed her Certification IV in Pilates Matwork and Reformer Instruction.

As an Orthodox Jewish woman, Batia understands first hand the many potential barriers to exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Over the years her weight would yo-yo up and down along with all of life's challenges, but in 2013, she finally got her weight under control.

Through diet and exercise, she lost 38kg and has kept it off ever since. It is her passion to help other Orthodox Jewish women overcome these barriers as well by creating a completely private, safe, kosher and Torah'dik environment in which to workout.

Every exercise session is a different personalized program which is tailored specifically for the individual to reach their own personal goals.

Exercise sessions are enjoyable and easily accessible focusing on learning intelligent and functional movement patters that will ensure optimal health, strength and independence for women of all ages throughout every stage of their lives.





Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - University of New Orleans

Master of Physiotherapy - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

Graduate Certificate in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy - University of Melbourne

Certificate III & IV in Fitness - Australian Fitness Academy

Certificate IV in Pilates Matwork and Reformer - Breathe Education